Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle,
by Tom Venuto.
Outlaw Bodybuilder Thumbs Nose At Weight-Loss "Experts" Who Earn Fortunes On The Sweat And Dreams Of Young Men & Women, and Finally Reveals The Simple Proven Science of Fat Loss No One Else Will Tell You About... |
Natural Size - How To Build Muscle Mass,
by Al Alfaro.
Introducing. The All-Natural Bodybuilding System for Gaining Massive Size, Incredible Strength And Awesome Power! |
How To Increase Your Bench Press By 50 Pounds in 10 Weeks,
by Mike Westerdal.
If you're interested in taking your training to the next level, you want to build bigger muscles, and drastically increase your bench press, than this will be the most important site you will ever visit. |
Muscle Building / Fat Burning Programs For The Genetically Average Joe,
by Doberman Dan.
Gain Massive Amounts of Muscle... Even If You Are A Hard Gainer!
Limited Time Offer Guarantees To Pack On Pounds And Pounds Of New Muscle! |
Underground Mass Building Secrets,
by James Jordan.
"Why Almost Everyone Is Dead Wrong About Gaining Weight... Including How Skinny Guys Can Get Ripped In Just 1 Month Spending NO MORE THAN 3 Hours Per Week At The Gym!" |
Dolls -- Female
Bodybuilding Secrets Revealed!,
by Karen Sessions.
Packed with accurate info on how to build muscle with minimal
bodyfat. You will learn detailed info on how to carb-cycle,
calculate bodyfat percentages, and build a solid, striated
physique. |
Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of,
by Nick Nilsson. Learn innovative exercises that
will build muscle and strength fast. This e-book contains 53
groundbreaking exercises designed to bring you rapid gains in
strength and muscle mass. |